Frequently asked
How Do I Nominate a Charity?
The charity and non-profit organization submission form are ONLY sent to registered members by email in our newsletter mail out in the 6 weeks leading up to the meeting. This submission form is not published publicly and is only available to registered members. If you are a member who hasn’t received a nomination form, please contact us. If you would like to BECOME a member so you can support the wonderful and inspiring work done by local charities and non-profit organizations, please click on "Join Us" in the menu above.
How do charities, and grassroots non-profit organizations in the Carstairs area get involved?
Charities must be nominated by a member of 100 Strong Carstairs & Area to be considered. We invite organizations to like us on our Facebook page. Here organizations can educate 100 Strong Carstairs & Area members and those following us about their projects. Many members are looking for a charitable cause to nominate and find info within our social media discussions and posts. If charities follow along on social media on the night of the event they will get an idea of the excitement and what is happening as it takes place.
Which charitable organizations are eligible for consideration by the group?
In order to be considered at a meeting, the organization/charity must be based in Carstairs and surrounding areas (Mountain View County, Crossfield, Linden, etc). Only national and international charities that can guarantee that 100% of the funds will go directly Carstairs and area will be considered. An organization that is selected for the group donation may not be considered again for two years.
How is the organization that receives the group donation chosen?
When a member registers they can nominate a name of a local organization into the hat for a random drawing prior to the meeting. The organizers of the meeting will collect the names of the organizations and three organizations will be selected at random one week before the event. Members of the three organizations will be contacted and asked to give a short five-minute presentation at the meeting as to why their organization should receive the donation. We encourage members to participate by submitting the names of local, needy, charitable organizations!
What Should I Expect at a Meeting?
You are greeted by a committee leader and asked to sign in at the registration desk. We like to keep track of our member’s attendance as you enter so we can reconcile donations more quickly at the end of the evening. We may ask you if you would like to have your photo taken and/ or a short video of why you became a member. This is totally voluntary.
7:00PM – Registration, meet & greet, order food and beverages (food & beverage avail. dependent on venue).
7:30PM – Presentation begins
Opening remarks
How evening and voting will happen
Announce the 3 charitable organization finalists
3 charitable organization presentations & questions – 5 minute maximum, no power point or additional materials
Ask any guests if they would like to sign up to be able to vote
Voting and tabulation
Presentation from previous charity selected on how the money was used
Announce the selected charity (majority votes)
Concerns, questions, suggestions
Announce the date and venue of the next meeting
8:15PM – Wrap up
What if I Can’t Attend a Meeting?
If you can’t make it to our next meeting, please take a moment to let us know! You can do that by visiting our "Meeting Regrets" page to let us know how you’ll be honoring your donation commitment.
Ways to honor your donation commitment:
Preffered method - Etransfer to at least one day before the meeting. Please use the password included in the Welcome email. OR
Cheque sent with a member (made payable to 100 Strong Carstairs & Area) OR
Cheque dropped off at Quest Realty at Unit B 104 - 10 Ave S., Carstairs in a sealed envelope. (can be placed in door slot if no one there) Please clearly write 100 Strong Carstairs on the front of the envelope.
Can I bring a friend to the meeting?
OF COURSE! We are always seeking additional people who care! So if you bring a friend along who wants to check out a meeting before committing they can! We can almost guarantee they will be wanting to join and if they would like to do that before the votes are counted they can sign up that night and make their donation. We ask that guests only attend one time before becoming a member themselves.
Is my donation tax deductible?
Yes, but only if a registered not-for-profit and charitable organizations is the recipient of the donation. Tax receipts will be issued directly by the charitable organization if applicable. Tax receipts have been asked to be issued no later than 60 days after the meeting.
Can I just send the donation to the charity myself?
Because the goal of 100 Strong Carstairs & Area is to make a large donation on behalf of the whole group, the answer is no. We want to be able to support this endeavor and give $10,000+ dollars at a time to make a large impact in our community with each member’s donation being part of the larger donation. This is the power of joining forces! We also need to be able to track your donations so that you get credit for the donation and remain eligible for submitting charities and voting at meetings.
Does any of my donations go to administration costs of 100 Strong Carstairs & Area?
Absolutely not! 100 Strong Carstairs & Area is organized and operated entirely by the organizing committee 100% of the money raised at our meetings goes directly to the selected organizations!
How does 100 Strong Carstairs & Area communicate with members?
The website will have the most up to date info at all times. We also update our Facebook page regularly with information. We send a group email to members from Mailchimp with info like venue directions, updates etc. To receive these communications please add to your address books so you know that you’re in the loop. We make every effort to reach you but sometimes your security settings prohibit us from getting things to you. If you change your email address please let us know. Should you wish to discontinue membership at any time, please send an e-mail to indicating your withdrawal.
How long has 100 Strong Carstairs & Area been in existence?
The planning for the Carstairs chapter started in March 2019 and the first meeting took place on September 10, 2019. We are excited to watch our chapter grow and meet some amazing people in the Carstairs area.
What do you do with my personal information?
100 Strong Carstairs & Area collects your personal information (including name, address, email address, phone number) strictly for the purpose of maintaining our membership list. 100 Strong Carstairs & Area will not sell, give or otherwise share your personal information without your express consent unless required by law. We do like to recognize our members via social media and other venues. If a member would like to remain anonymous they must let us know at the time of joining.